Register for International Student Orientation (ISO)

Spring 2025 Orientation

  • Arrival date: January 13, 2025. You must arrive in Lawrence Kansas by this date and complete your International Student Orientation.
  • Graduate Students with an assistantship needing to apply for Social Security Number should plan to arrive up to a week (or more) prior to this in order to avoid first pay check delay.
  • Classes begin: January 21, 2025.

All new international students are required to participate in International Student Orientation the semester they are admitted to KU. This orientation program will begin before you arrive in the United States with online programs and continue once you arrive in person. This will be a fun and exciting time to start your academic career at the University of Kansas. Welcome.

One to three months before your arrival date at KU, you will receive an email from ISS with instructions to log in to iHawk. In iHawk, you will complete the required e-forms to register for the International Student Orientation and begin uploading documents for your ISS Check-in process.

How to Register

  1. After receiving the registration email from ISS, go to iHawk.
  2. Click on the main "Login" button.
  3. Log in with your KU Online ID.
  4. On the iHawk Services Home page, scroll down to the "Requests" section near the bottom and click on the "ISS Check-In Checklist" link.
  5. Submit the "Orientation Registration" e-form in the "Orientation" section at the top. You should do this as soon as possible.
  6. Continue working on the checklist by completing the e-forms in the ISS Check-In section in the given order.

*Readmitted students are exempt from ISO. However, they are still required to complete check-ins with ISS and Watkins Health Services. New graduate students not in F-1 or J-1 status may request to be waived from the ISO requirement by emailing They are also required to complete check-ins with ISS and Watkins Health Services.