F-1 Transfer

All students currently in F-1 status at any type of institution (high school, college, university, intensive English institute) in the U.S. (including those on Optional Practical Training) who plan to change schools must complete the transfer procedure through SEVIS.  It is the student’s responsibility to maintain his or her F-1 student status and to complete the procedures below.

Transfer Procedure

  1. Get admitted to the University of Kansas.
  2. Once you decide that you will attend KU, notify your current school (or if on Optional Practical Training your former school who recommended the OPT) of your intent to transfer to KU.
  3. Only after you have decided to attend KU, complete and submit the "Intent to Transfer to KU" e-form online:
  • Step 1 – Setup KU Online ID  (you will need your 7 digit KUID number [e.g. 2991234])
  • Step 2 – Log in to iHawk by using the blue “Login” button.
  • Step 3 – Complete and submit the “Intent to Transfer to KU from a U.S. School” e-form, under the “Get Your I-20/DS-2019” tab.  You will need to provide the email address of your current international student advisor at the transfer-out school.
  • Step 4 – The international student advisor at your current transfer-out school will complete their portion of the e-form (routed to them via email upon your submission of e-form).  In order for the advisor to complete their part, you must have already met with them to request the transfer and have determined the SEVIS record release date. To release your SEVIS record to the University of Kansas, your advisor will need KU’s SEVIS school code: KAN214F00634000. 
  1. After the release date, KU will produce an I-20 if sufficient proof of finances has been received. KU cannot produce the I-20 before the release date.
  2. Once the I-20 is issued, you will receive it in the manner which you selected in iHawk.
  3. To complete the transfer, you are required to report to an international student advisor at KU within 15 days of the report date on your new KU I-20, during orientation or at an ISS Check-in session.

Driver License & SSN Issues

Your transferred in SEVIS record is typically not registered (changed to active status) until orientation/ISS Check-ins are completed, you have enrolled, and classes have started.  If you can, you should wait to apply for your driver’s license or social security number until after classes have started.  If you absolutely cannot wait, consult the ISS office.

Re-admitted Students, Transferring Back to KU

Checklist of things to do:

  1. Have your SEVIS record released (transferred) to KU:
  • See instructions above
  1. Complete a required ISS Check In:
  • As a readmitted student, you are not required (although certainly welcome) to attend the International Student Orientation, however, you are still required to complete the ISS Check-in. 
  • Review the details on Readmitted Student Arrival and Check-in Processes