When to Call 911

The emergency phone number in the United States is 911.

Police - If you should see someone committing a crime, a person who is about to commit a crime, or a crime has already occurred.

Fire - On all actual fires, smell of smoke or gas, or if you should see smoke rising from an object that is on fire.

Medical - If a person should need immediate medical attention.

Important Steps When you Call

  1. Give the location of the emergency.
  2. State what type of emergency that you have.
  3. Give the person on the phone (the dispatcher) your name.
  4. Give the dispatcher your phone number and what location you are calling from if it differs from the location of the emergency.

Non-Emergency Telephone Numbers If you have a non-emergency situation, call 785-864-5900 or 785-864-5913. If you would like to report a crime anonymously, call KU Crime Stoppers at 785-864-8888. You can anonymously provide information that may lead to the arrest of suspects who have committed a crime.

Common Safety Tips

  • Become familiar with your neighborhood
  • Walk with confidence and be aware of your surroundings
  • Do not walk alone at night
  • Keep apartment/house doors locked at all times
  • Do not leave valuables in view inside a vehicle
  • Never leave valuables unattended
  • Use a bicycle lock
  • Wear a bicycle helmet and travel with traffic